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Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our life.Have you ever checked how many apps you have on your smartphone that you use on a daily basis? You rely on your mobile phones to watch the news, to study online, to get cooking recipes, and even to guide you for fitness workouts.

The mobile app market is huge and is growing faster with no end in the near future.The number of apps in the market has already hit the heights and thus the revenue generated. With the immense growth in mobile app usage competitions have also increased.

To get the user's attention, you must come with interesting apps that match current trends.

For eg, during the COVID — 19 situation people had to stay inside to maintain social distancing. Video conferring apps like zoom were the most downloaded apps during the lockdown. Apart from choosing the right trend, you should also figure out which technology will suit your needs.

In this blog, we examine some of the top technologies that are used to develop mobile apps.


Java is considered as the official language for Android development and stands out with the documentation and community support it offers.Some of the applications developed using java are telegram, VLC media player, etc. It is easy to handle and has many open source libraries that are available to users at any time.


If you are planning to develop a cross-platform application then I suggest you use Flutter.It is used to create high-quality applications for both iOs and Android platforms. Flutter uses the Dart programming language instead of JavaScript. Google adds is one of the famous application developed using flutter.


If you are a startup company that is into app development then I suggest you use Python. It is fast and easy to use language with ane excellent library support.The community support it provides is also large and provides enhanced control capabilities. Instagram, youtube, Pinterest are the famous apps developed using python.


If you are looking for something specifically for Apple products then you can use Swift as your technology.With advanced features like minimal coding, programming becomes easier, flexible, and more fun. It is a new open-source programming language for iOS. Applications like LinkedIn are examples of apps developed using Swift.

React native

It is an open-source framework developed by Facebook and is used to develop cross-platform applications.It is one of the commonly used technique because it can create apps exactly like native apps. Uber eats and Mynthra is some examples of applications developed using react-native.


If you are looking for developing an android application with a lower cost of development and maintenance, then Kotlin is the best choice for your business.It is considered as the advanced version of java and has a bright future in android app development. Uber and Pinterest are some of the famous applications developed using Kotlin.

Objective C

Objective c is one of the oldest programming languages but still more popular than Swift.It is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language mainly used for developing iOS applications. Almost 90% of iOS application available in the play store contains Objective C.


If you are looking for app development that is focused on the look and feel and UI interaction of the app, then Ionic is the best option. Ionic is an HTML5 mobile app development framework used for building hybrid mobile apps.It combines HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript for app development. McDonald's app is developed using Ionic thereby providing a digital presence.


Xamarin is a cross-platform framework for mobile app development. It is a time and cost-saving framework that builds applications that provide exact native app experience.Olo is one of the famous applications developed using Xamarin.

Mereena Baby Photo In case you’re leaning towards one on another mobile app development approach, don’t forget to drop me a line. I am a technology enthusiast working in the IT industry and I talk about topics like Cloud computing and .

I try to make my blogs informative and true.